Alzheimer's Disease: Modelization, Biomarkers, Preclinical Imaging,
Therapeutic Evaluations
18 Route du Panorama, 92265 Fontenay aux Roses, France
Resp. Marc Dhenain



2015-01. We offer a doctoral position for the development and evaluation of contrast agents to detect Alzheimer's disease by MRI

2015-01. A new article from our group show that intracellular Abeta deposits is detected in several brain regions of aged mouse lemur primates. We showed that plasmatic Aβ is negatively correlated with the density of neurons accumulating Aβ.

- Roy M., Cardoso C., Dorieux O., Malgorn C., Epelbaum S., Kraska A., Brouillet E., Delatour B., Perret M., Aujard F., Dhenain M.. Age-associated evolution of plasmatic amyloid in mouse lemur primates: Relationship with neuronal accumulation of amyloid-ß precursor protein, Neurobiology of Aging. 2015. 36: 149-156.


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